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 e-Biz Concepts

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  The e-Business W@tch is an initiative of the
European Commission
Enterprise Directorate General
E-business, ICT industries and services.

  The European e-business policies portal - a one-stop-shop, on-line environment for all European e-business initiatives.

  The eBusiness legal portal offers information on all legal aspects of e-business, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

  eMarket Services: a guide to B2B e-markets, co-funded by the the EC / DG Enterprise.


Sector covered in the first phase 2002/03: Food, Beverages and Tobacco    

This sector consists of two major activities within the NACE Rev. 1 classification, the manufacture of food products and beverages (15) and the manufacture of tobacco products (16). Food and beverages are further subdivided into nine groups covering meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, fats, dairy products, grain mill and starch products and beverages and finally a group for animal feed. Food is more than 75% of the total production value of the sector, whilst beverages represent about 15%. Tobacco represents about 8% of total production.

Code Activity
15 Manufacture of food products and beverages
15.1 Production, processing and preserving of meat and meat products
15.2 Processing and preserving of fish and fish products
15.3 Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables
15.4 Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats
15.5 Manufacture of dairy products
15.6 Manufacture of grain mill products, starches and starch products
15.7 Manufacture of prepared animal feeds
15.8 Manufacture of other food products
15.9 Manufacture of beverages
16.0 Manufacture of tobacco products


The food industry is highly concentrated. There are a few large multinationals, sometimes vertically integrated and producing a vast array of products, which play a significant role in the international performance of the industry. On the other hand, there are a large number of dispersed firms responsible for local production specialising in one or two sub-sectors.

The production share of the four largest countries in Europe is well below (about 65%) their corresponding share in the manufacturing output (more than 70%). This depends, on one hand, on the fact that the food industry processes fresh products with a relatively low production value which often remain within national markets and, on the other hand, on the fact that regional preferences reinforces local productions.

This dichotomic structure of the industry takes in account for the construction of the sample and for the evaluation of impacts indicators on the industry.

European associations

  • CIAA - Confederation of the food and drink Industries of the EU; 43, avenue des Arts, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium, Phone: ++32-2-5141111, Telefax: ++32-2-5112905,
  • A.I.J.N. - Association of the Industry of Juices and Nectars from Fruit and Vegetables of the European Union, Rue de la Loi, 221- Box 5, 1040 Brussels, Belgium, Phone: ++32-2-2350620, Telefax: ++32-2-2829420,
  • EABC - European Association for Bakery and Confectionery, rue Jacques de Lalaing 4, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
  • FEDIMA - European Federation of the Intermediate Products Industries for the Bakery and Confectionery Trades, FEDIMA,
  • CBMC - The Brewers of Europe
  • EBC- European Brewery Convention
  • CAOBISCO - Association of chocolate, biscuit and confectionery industries of the European Union
  • Assifonte - European Association of Manufactures of Processed Cheese
  • EDA - European Dairy Association
  • A.I.P.C.E.E. - Association des Industries du Poisson de la CE
  • CIAA - Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU
  • UNESEM-GISEMES - Groupement International et Union Européene des Sources d´Eaux Minérales Naturelles
  • GAM - Groupement des Associations Meunieres des Pays de la UE
  • ESA - European Snacks Association
  • UNESDA - Union of EU Soft Drinks Associations
  • CEPS - European Confederation of Spirits Producers
  • C.E.F.S. - Comité Européen des Fabricants de Sucre
  • CECCM - Confederation of European Community Cigarette Manufacturers
  • OEICTO - Organisation Européenne des Industries de la Conserve de Tomates
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The e-Business W@tch is being implemented and operated by empirica Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Technologieforschung mbH (Bonn)
in co-operation with DIW Berlin - German Institute for Economic Research and Databank Consulting spa (Milan), Berlecon Research,
IDATE, PLS RAMBØLL Management, and Saatchi & Saatchi Business Communications