Sector covered in the first phase 2002/03: Metal Products
Metal products are a rather heterogeneous sector that
belongs to the so-called 'old economy'. It amounts to about 6% of total
production of manufacturing in the EU. This sector (NACE Rev.1 28)
Code |
Activity |
28.1 |
Manufacture of structural
metal products |
28.2 |
Manufacture of tanks,
reservoirs and containers of metal; manufacture of central heating radiators and
boilers |
28.3 |
Manufacture of steam
generators, except central heating, hot water boilers |
28.4 |
Forging, pressing,
stamping and roll forming of metal, powder metallurgy |
28.5 |
Treatment and coating of
metals; general mechanical engineering |
28.6 |
Manufacture of cutlery,
tools and general hardware |
28.7 |
Manufacture of other
fabricated metal products |
European association(s)
- Orgalime - European federation of national industrial associations
representing the European mechanical, electrical, electronic and metal articles
industries; Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 Brussels, Belgium;
Phone:++32-2-706-8235; Telefax:++32-2-706-8250,