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Topic and objectives

This conference focuses on the economic impact of ICT on innovation and environmental sustainability as well as on resulting implications for competitiveness and policy. The main theme of the morning sessions is “ICT and sustainability”, the main theme of the afternoon “ICT and industrial policy”. You can find an advance programme here. The conference convenes professionals who are confronted with these issues in their work. The conference addresses in particular:

  • policy makers, notably in the fields of industrial, innovation, environmental and information society policy, at European, national and regional levels;
  • business and industry association representatives, both from ICT-producing and ICT-using industries;
  • business advisors and ICT consultants;
  • researchers in economics, socio-economic and ICT-related disciplines.

The conference is organised by the European Commission's "Sectoral e-Business Watch" programme. Results of the 2009 studies of this programme will be presented and discussed. It is the sixth e-Business Watch Conference, first organised in 2002.


Participation is free and open to all interested parties, but prior registration is required. Please note that travel and other expenses cannot be reimbursed except for invited speakers, panellists and Advisory Board members.

Please register here.

For further information and requests, please contact
uta dot walossek at empirica dot com