




Project Team

Short Cuts

Synthesis Report

Sector Reports

Special Studies

Related actitivies

ICT and e-Business
in the Construction Industry

Time, location and venue

30 June 2006, 10:00 - 13:00 hrs.

Confédération Construction
Rue du Lombard 34-42
1000 Brussels

Background and objectives

The e-Business W@tch study of ICT and e-business in the construction industry of 2006 points at a number of interesting developments: new possibilities for digital modelling and exchange of electronic documents are gaining ground; however, large construction enterprises and the public sector are driving these developments, while the plethora of smaller firms from the industry tend to lag behind.

At this workshop, e-Business W@tch presents its preliminary findings for the construction industry and discusses them with industry representatives. Issues include electronic procurement, project web and 3D technologies (Building Information Modelling).

Results of this workshop will be used to validate and consolidate the findings of the Interim sector study.

Contact and further information

To register for the workshop, and/or to receive further information, please contact:

Ramboll Management
Noerregade 7a,
1165 Copenhagen K, Denmark
attn. Ms Nanna Bock

Phone: +45 3397 8206
Fax: +45 33978233

E-Mail: nbo (@) r-m.com


European Commission
DG Enterprise & Industry Unit D-4
Technology for Innovation, ICT industries and e-business
attn. Ms Jill Hughes
Ref: e-Business W@tch Construction Workshop 2006

Tel : +32-2-299 2918
Fax: +32-2-296 7019
E-mail : Jill.Hughes (@) ec.europa.eu