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Electronic Business Trends in 2005: Industry Perspectives

Main Annual e-Business W@tch Event

Brussels, 26 October 2005, 09:30 – 16:00 hrs.

Electronic business continues to develop dynamically. Technological advancement (for example in wireless technology) and the increasing competitive pressure on companies in a global economy are drivers of the development. However, the pace and the direction of this development differ considerably between sectors.

The e-Business W@tch Annual Event 2005 discussed the state of play in electronic business in the European Union in 2005. Main findings of this year's research were presented and debated with the participants, who mainly represented European industry federations and policy.

Programme and Conclusions
Chair and Speakers

Chair: Costas Andropoulos (Head of Unit, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry)

Opening remarks: David White (Director, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry)

Speakers: George Karageorgos (European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry), Rachel Tym (ETOA – European Tour Operators Association), Ulrich Paetzold (FIEC – European Construction Industry Federation), Jesús Galván (Schiller International University), Thorsten Wichmann (Berlecon Research), Brigitte Preissl (DIW Berlin), Henry Ryan (Lios Geal Consultants), Hannes Selhofer (empirica GmbH), Sheridan Roberts (OECD), Stefano Tarantola (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission).

Opening Remarks and Overview
  • Opening remarks (David White, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry), 39 KB
  • E-Business Related Initiatives of the European Commission
    (Georgios Karageorgos, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry), 222 KB
  • Electronic Business in 2005 – Findings of e-Business W@tch (Hannes Selhofer, empirica GmbH), 316 KB
Industry Perspectives: E-Business in Construction and Services
  • IT services – an e-business model for other sectors?
    (Thorsten Wichmann, Berlecon Research), 132 KB
  • E-business interoperability – the state-of-play (Henry Ryan, Lios Geal Consultants), 141 KB
  • e-Tourism – how the internet is transforming an industry (Rachel Tym, ETOA – European Tour Operators Association), 40 KB
  • Construction – how to tackle the unexploited potential (Ulrich Paetzold, FIEC – European Construction Industry Federation),
    176 KB
Industry Perspectives: E-Business in Manufacturing
  • Machinery and equipment – using ICT for customer services
    (Brigitte Preissl, DIW Berlin), 179 KB
  • E-Business for Quality Assurance in the Food & Beverages Industry (Elena Gaboardi, Databank Consulting), 149 KB
  • Supply Chain Integration in the Textile & Clothing Industry (Elena Gaboardi, Databank Consulting), 135 KB
  • Publishing – strategies for newspapers in the digital era (Jesús Galván, Schiller International University, Madrid), 69 KB
Outlook: International e-Business Monitoring
  • e-Business Index: Results of 2005 and perspectives in 2010
    (Stefano Tarantola, European Commission Joint Research Centre), 265 KB
  • OECD work on e-business measurement: the revised model survey of ICT use by businesses (Sheridan Roberts, OECD),
    51 KB