e-Business W@tch Workshop: Conclusions, presentations for download

Over 60 selected representatives from industry, sector and/or business associations, the academic and research communities, national statistical institutions, consultancy firms, the World Bank and the Commission services attended the workshop organised by the e-Business W@tch, on Tuesday, 26 November 2002, in Brussels.

The workshop focused on the results of the e-business survey and their analysis for the sectors covered by the e-Business W@tch. Some methodological aspects (indicators, statistical issues, impact measurement, etc) that have been identified during the first 10 months of operation of the e-Business W@tch were also discussed. The opinion of experts was sought to consolidate the results of the analysis and the policy recommendations that are going to be presented in the first Synthesis Report of the e-Business W@tch – to be published in early 2003. In this context, the specific objectives of this workshop were:
- To validate results already delivered by the first three Quarterly Reports;
- To consolidate some apparently diverse or even contradictory findings, in particular as regards measurement and indicators’ related issues;
- To gain useful insight to enhance the analysis and, in particular, the policy recommendations (notably in support of SMEs).

Feedback from participants was very positive and encouraging as they found both data and analysis impressive, very interesting and useful for their own work. Even though it was once again confirmed that measuring ICT and e-business is still at an early stage of development, workshop participants felt that the e-Business W@tch is making a significant contribution to this process. They also confirmed that networking events of this kind are highly appreciated and necessary as they provide a good opportunity to exchange experiences on the status quo and impact of e-business across European enterprises from different sectors.

Summary of main results (*.pdf, 167 kb)



Sector portraits

Focus discussions