Sector covered in the first phase 2002/03:
Telecommunications, Computer Related and Audio-Visual Services This sector of the e-Business W@tch contains three major activities within the following classifications: telecommunications (part of NACE Rev. 1 64), computer related activities (NACE Rev. 1 72) and audio-visual services (part of NACE Rev. 92). On the 3-digit-level, the computer related activities are further subdivided into six sub-groups, audio-visual services into two sub-groups. The contribution of all three main activities to total production value is about 3%.
With regard to total sectoral production value, telecommunications is the main activity (estimated share of about 40%), followed by computer related activities (35%) and audio-visual services (25%). Demand structure differs significantly between these three fields. The proportion of private households in final demand is about 30% for telecommunication services, but less than 5% for computer related services and over 95% for audio-visual services. Despite to the variety of activities involved it is reasonable to treat these activities as one sector, due to the ongoing technical convergence between telecommunications and data processing services and the digitisation of audio-visual products. In addition there is a common nature of the main service products as "digital goods". This means that in principle e-business activities may include - in contradiction to all physical products - also the stage of product distribution, i.e. electronic delivery. European associations