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European e-Business Reports

The "European E-Business Reports" are the main publications of the Sectoral e-Business Watch. The first edition is from 2002, the latest and probably last edition (2009/10) was published in February 2010. Printed copies (if still on stock) can be ordered from the following address:

European Commission
DG Enterprise & Industry
Unit D4 'ICT for Competitiveness and Innovation'
Fax: (32-2) 2967019
E-Mail: entr-innov-ict-ebiz at ec dot europa dot eu

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The European e-Business Reports

Title Publication date Full report Summary
Synthesis Report 2009/10: "ICT and e-Business for an Innovative and Sustainable Economy" Feb. 2010 PDF-Logo 5.2MB PDF-Logo 540KB
The European e-Business Report 2008 Oct. 2008 PDF-Logo 5.9MB PDF-Logo 500KB
The European e-Business Report 2006/07 Jan. 2007 PDF-Logo 8.2MB PDF-Logo 1.4MB
The European e-Business Report 2005 Nov. 2005 PDF-Logo 5.6MB PDF-Logo 990KB
The European e-Business Report 2004 Aug. 2004 PDF-Logo 2.9MB PDF-Logo 440KB
The European e-Business Report 2003 Aug. 2003 PDF-Logo 3.3MB PDF-Logo 640KB
The European e-Business Report 2002/03 Mar. 2003 PDF-Logo 2.8MB PDF-Logo 630KB

Abstracts of the European e-Business Report 2008 in all EU languages (4 pages)

BG | ES | CS | DA | DE | ET | EL | EN | FR | GA | IT | LV | LT | HU | MT | NL | PL | PT | RO | SK | SL | SV

Executive Summary of the European e-Business Report 2008 in the following languages (16 pages)

DE | ES | EN | FR | IT | PL